Our Chief Customer Officer, Nadia Edwards-Dashti, recently spoke at the inaugural FinTech Fringe Conference. Moderating a panel titled "Scaling Lessons from Successful FinTechs", Nadia was joined by:
• Devina Paul, CFO at Zumo
• Steve Delpy, Chief Banking Officer at Paysafe Group
• Luke Trayfoot, Chief Revenue Officer at MangoPay
And it's Steve who inspired the title of this blog: The Power of Positivity in Financial Technology.
Steve mentioned this in the context of talent acquisition. The group were discussing value alignment, and why this should be a central consideration when identifying new team members. Having people onboard that are invested in your values, and their longevity, makes for a far more positive, driven culture. It's a powerful underlying principal that can weather marketplace turbulence.
This notion of positivity wasn't isolated to Nadia's panel. Ezechi Britton, CEO of CFIT, focused his discussion on opportunity. We're constantly reminded that the UK FinTech marketplace is the second largest, sitting behind the USA. But the UK isn't the runner-up in this race for financial innovation. It remains the largest in Europe by a substantial a margin. The FinTech ecosystem in the UK is immense and holds the potential to be world-leading. It just needs to be mobilised effectively. The opportunity is there, and so we need to collectively seize it.
Further panels commentated on why the UK market remains the market of choice; the support network we have around us; and the working culture we have in the UK that sets us apart from international competition. Our positive momentum, attitude and professional approach is there. We need to recognise what we have and understand its ability to see us through the doom and gloom.
The first day of FinTech Fringe didn't forget to mention things such as Brexit, regulation, the Crypto Winter, talent retention — principal worries for a lot of FinTechs across the globe. What each panel served to do was flip the perspective. We gained a new understanding of industry and world events. We acknowledged their existence and impact; but at the same time, exposed to how we can propell ourselves and our businesses through this.
Thank you to all involved in FinTech Fringe for reminding us about the power of positivity in financial technology.
The Power of Positivity in Financial Technology
16 Jun, 20235 MinutesOur Chief Customer Officer, Nadia Edwards-Dashti, recently spoke at the inaugural FinTech Fr...